Sunday, December 4, 2011

Tips for Running a Successful Bake Sale

Organizations use running a bake sale as a way to earn money for various different things. From churches trying to save up for a new roof to marching bands need to buy new uniforms, there is money to be had in selling cupcakes and cookies. The key to being able to to do this is that a list of bale sale ideas that are going to turn a small fundraiser into a huge event.

There is a difference between running a successful bake sale and one that is not. The difference is these tips.

Tip One: Plan Ahead

The first thing that you want to do when you are looking into bake sale ideas is to plan far in advance. The more time that you have before the actual event to put work in, the better off you will be. This goes from everything to decorating to advertising your event.

Tip Two: Have a List of Suggestions

There are usually many people who would like to make something for the fundraiser, but they do not because they can not decide what to bake. It is a good idea to have a list of suggestions of what people might like to make. You can include the basics like cupcakes and cookies, and build from there.

Tip Three: Have a Sign Up List

When you are setting up a successful bake sale, you are going to want to know in advance how many items that you are going to have to sell. This is why having a sign list is very important. This way, you know who will be bringing what and how much to your event.

Tip Four: Send Out Reminders

People get busy with their every day lives. It is a good idea to send out reminders either through a quick call or even an email before your bake sale. This will help to ensure that more people bring their goodies to sell.

Tip Five: Advertising

Now that you have the baked goods to sell, you need the people to sell them to. Do not overlook advertising for your bake sale. It is a good idea to run ads and places notices on comunity bulletin boards. On the day of your bake sale, you will want to make sure that you put signs anywhere that you think might be getting traffic.

Tip Six: Decorating

You want to make sure that you use colorful table cloths, balloons, and streamers to bring attention to your bake sale. Remember that presentation is just as important when it comes to closing a sale even when you are selling cupcakes.

Tip Seven: Bags

Have everyone that is involved collect those plastic grocery bags leading up to your bake sale. This will give you something to package up the purchases in.

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