Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How to Make a Cupcake Centerpiece

Cupcakes are not just a tasty baked good that people everywhere love. These little creations can be used to spice up any event through decorating. Yes, you read that right, You can make edible decorations with your baked goods. One easy to do idea is to make a cupcake centerpiece. It can take an ordinary event and make it something that people will be talking about for months afterwards.

This is very easy to do. The other nice thing about making a cupcake centerpiece is that you can scale it up if you have a larger table, or you can make it smaller for smaller events. There are many creative ways that you can build a multi layer tower depending on your skills with a saw.

Step One

The first thing that you need to do to make a cupcake centerpiece is to make or purchase a multi level stand. There are many inexpensive stands that you can buy that will save you a lot of time on this step.

If you are going with making one, you can create a pyramid like shape with plywood boxes nailed together. You want to paint it in a neutral color so that what gets noticed is your cupcakes.

Step Two

Once you have baked your cupcakes and allowed them to cool completely, it is time to decorate them. One of the best ideas is to decorate each level of your display a bit differently. You will want to coordinate them, but these differences will make the decoration stand out.

Step Three

Arrange your baked goods on your cupcake centerpiece. You want to make sure that you fill each level so that it does not look like it is empty. If you need more cupcakes then get to baking. It is also a good idea not to put any too close to the edge.

Step Four

To finish off your cupcake centerpiece, you can decorate the base with flowers, ribbons, confetti, or whatever else might go with your theme. Just remember to make it eye catching and you will be all set. You can do this with any theme that you can think of.

Tips for Cupcake Centerpieces

Think outside of regular themes when you are designing yours. Do a car theme and make each cupcake its own car,

Create smaller versions to go on every table for large events.

You can use this in place of a birthday or wedding cake.

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