Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Wilton Cupcake Decorating Set 32 Piece

Whether you are just get started in the world of creating your own cupcakes or if you have been doing this for a while, you know how important it is to invest in the best equipment possible. Wilton has been the leader in baking accessories for a long time now. 

This is why the Wilton Cupcake decorating set has become one of the must have items for anyone that wants to create beautiful baked goods. These really are the the best of the best. 

Why the Wilton Cupcake Decorating Set

When it comes to making your baked goods look like they were done by professionals, the way that they are iced and decorating is going to be the key difference. There are just items that you will see come out of a bakery that most home cooks do not do. That does not need to be the case any more with this cupcake decorating set.

What the Wilton Cupcake Decorating Set Includes

This is a 32 piece set that gives you everything that you need to ice both cupcakes and cakes in any way that you will like. Many people rave about this set because it combines many pieces from other cupcake decorating sets.
  • 6 decorating tips in various sizes 
  • Decorating Triangle
  • Spatula
  • 2 Couplers
  • Decorating Bags
  • Icing Colors
  • Instructions

Read More About Cupcake Decorating

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How to Make a Cupcake Centerpiece

Cupcakes are not just a tasty baked good that people everywhere love. These little creations can be used to spice up any event through decorating. Yes, you read that right, You can make edible decorations with your baked goods. One easy to do idea is to make a cupcake centerpiece. It can take an ordinary event and make it something that people will be talking about for months afterwards.

This is very easy to do. The other nice thing about making a cupcake centerpiece is that you can scale it up if you have a larger table, or you can make it smaller for smaller events. There are many creative ways that you can build a multi layer tower depending on your skills with a saw.

Step One

The first thing that you need to do to make a cupcake centerpiece is to make or purchase a multi level stand. There are many inexpensive stands that you can buy that will save you a lot of time on this step.

If you are going with making one, you can create a pyramid like shape with plywood boxes nailed together. You want to paint it in a neutral color so that what gets noticed is your cupcakes.

Step Two

Once you have baked your cupcakes and allowed them to cool completely, it is time to decorate them. One of the best ideas is to decorate each level of your display a bit differently. You will want to coordinate them, but these differences will make the decoration stand out.

Step Three

Arrange your baked goods on your cupcake centerpiece. You want to make sure that you fill each level so that it does not look like it is empty. If you need more cupcakes then get to baking. It is also a good idea not to put any too close to the edge.

Step Four

To finish off your cupcake centerpiece, you can decorate the base with flowers, ribbons, confetti, or whatever else might go with your theme. Just remember to make it eye catching and you will be all set. You can do this with any theme that you can think of.

Tips for Cupcake Centerpieces

Think outside of regular themes when you are designing yours. Do a car theme and make each cupcake its own car,

Create smaller versions to go on every table for large events.

You can use this in place of a birthday or wedding cake.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Tips for Running a Successful Bake Sale

Organizations use running a bake sale as a way to earn money for various different things. From churches trying to save up for a new roof to marching bands need to buy new uniforms, there is money to be had in selling cupcakes and cookies. The key to being able to to do this is that a list of bale sale ideas that are going to turn a small fundraiser into a huge event.

There is a difference between running a successful bake sale and one that is not. The difference is these tips.

Tip One: Plan Ahead

The first thing that you want to do when you are looking into bake sale ideas is to plan far in advance. The more time that you have before the actual event to put work in, the better off you will be. This goes from everything to decorating to advertising your event.

Tip Two: Have a List of Suggestions

There are usually many people who would like to make something for the fundraiser, but they do not because they can not decide what to bake. It is a good idea to have a list of suggestions of what people might like to make. You can include the basics like cupcakes and cookies, and build from there.

Tip Three: Have a Sign Up List

When you are setting up a successful bake sale, you are going to want to know in advance how many items that you are going to have to sell. This is why having a sign list is very important. This way, you know who will be bringing what and how much to your event.

Tip Four: Send Out Reminders

People get busy with their every day lives. It is a good idea to send out reminders either through a quick call or even an email before your bake sale. This will help to ensure that more people bring their goodies to sell.

Tip Five: Advertising

Now that you have the baked goods to sell, you need the people to sell them to. Do not overlook advertising for your bake sale. It is a good idea to run ads and places notices on comunity bulletin boards. On the day of your bake sale, you will want to make sure that you put signs anywhere that you think might be getting traffic.

Tip Six: Decorating

You want to make sure that you use colorful table cloths, balloons, and streamers to bring attention to your bake sale. Remember that presentation is just as important when it comes to closing a sale even when you are selling cupcakes.

Tip Seven: Bags

Have everyone that is involved collect those plastic grocery bags leading up to your bake sale. This will give you something to package up the purchases in.